We fully embrace a “trial and error” approach. We don’t claim to know everything or have all the answers, but we are willing to take risks, learn from our mistakes and keep failing forward!  

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Peer to Peer Relationships

Taking the time to build relationships with the refugee individuals and their communities at large. Using peer support principles and concepts to create a non-hierarchical dynamic, we get to know them and gain their trust, and we are able to identify both their needs and the best way to address them.

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Building Capacity in the Communities

We focus on long-term, sustainable solutions to individual and communal issues. Using a strength-based approach, we help them identify their strengths and transferable skills, and how they can use them for their and their community benefit. They need empowerment to take ownership of their journey and find their voice, as an individual and a community.

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Partnering with Different Service Providers

We strive to identify and address the individual's needs all around the social determinants of health so that we can really meet each person where they are at. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will not be effective if the person has no food security or a safe place to live. Basic needs shall be identified and addressed as the first priority.